'The likes of Everton' - Finance guru warns Moshiri on possibly devastating stagnation at EFC

Kieran Maguire has set Everton, and club owner Farhad Moshiri, a deadline of 2024 to achieve qualification to the UEFA Champions League.

Maguire, a “finance guru”, recently spoke to Football Insider, where he explained that he believes bringing Champions League football to Goodison Park will likely be “impossible” if the Toffees fail to get themselves into the competition by that point. 

Why has Maguire set Everton and Moshiri this deadline?

The finance expert explained that due to the planned restructuring of the Champions League, which is set to be introduced from 2024, the revenues of teams in that competition will become much greater because they will be playing more Champions League games, while the revenues of “the likes of Everton”, who are hoping to break into the elite, could actually decrease. 

As a result, Maguire has declared that if Everton fail to make the cut for that initial season of the restructured Champions League – the 2024/25 campaign – or before then, while the tournament is still in its existing format, then the task of qualifying for the competition will be made “unachievable,” in his view. 

Transfer Tavern take

That would give Everton this season – the 2020/21 campaign – and the next three seasons – 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24 – to achieve what Football Insider has described as Moshiri’s aspiration of qualifying for the Champions League, and perhaps if Moshiri agrees with Maguire’s take, then that will lead to a concerted effort, on his behalf, of hitting this deadline for getting the Toffees to that level. 

If the finance expert is right – and if Everton fail to achieve their goal within the four seasons he’s claimed they need to do so before the task could become “impossible” – then one could certainly argue that the Merseyside club’s growth would be significantly stifled, with what would essentially be a ceiling over their heads preventing them from joining Europe’s elite.

This may well prove devastating for the club’s ambition and future, concerning their ability to attract top players and managers – with Carlo Ancelotti having suggested that the club’s ambition played an important role in him joining.

As a result, this could be an important warning for Moshiri to take note of.

In other news, some Everton fans have been panicking over Ancelotti’s revelation on Calvert-Lewin.

The post Everton: Financial expert hands Moshiri four-season warning appeared first on The Transfer Tavern.

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